Saturday, 2 March 2013

Something Wicked Anthology Volume 2

Been (another) while since I last posted. My bad. Lots to catch up on.

The main news is that my short story Promises is finally coming to print! Something Wicked Volume 2 is close to release and you can pre-order it here!

Promises is without a doubt my most precious piece of work, with a story line that was very personal to me not to mention that this story won me the heart of the love of my life. Which is very apt in a sunrise, sunset sort of way.

I hope that you all enjoy it and buy as many copies as possible.

Here's a quick descrip of the book itself and a list of who else is appearing in it:

Volume 2 features 25 completely new stories of "post-apocalyptic dystopias, alternate realities, far-future science fiction and good old-fashioned blood-chilling horror".
The anthology features writers Abi Godsell, Grey Freeman, Cat Hellisen, Martin Stokes and Nick Wood, Peter Damien, C.S. Fuqua, Nick Scorza, Thomas Sweterlitsch, Genevieve Taylor and other writers from all over the world.
Appearing in these pages shall be...
  • James Bennett - "Dead Man's Handle"
  • F.L. Bicknell - "Trash Cans"
  • Dan Campbell - "Redemption's Edge"
  • Peter Damien - "Ghost Love Score"
  • KA Dean - "Concerning Harmonies and Oceans'
  • Grey Freeman - "Promises"
  • AJ French - "The Year of Our Lord"
  • CS Fuqua - "Demons"
  • R.W.W. Greene - "It Pays To Read The Safety Cards"
  • Abi Godsell - "Red Moon I"
  • Bruce Golden - "Dance of The Furrowed Goddess"
  • Summer Hanford - "How Satan Died and the Imprisonment of God" 
  • Taylor Hanton - "Lanchester Square"
  • Cat Hellisen - "Jack of Spades, reversed"
  • William Ledbetter - "Square One"
  • David McCool - "Billy Bogroll"
  • Mel Odom - "She Can See Tomorrow"
  • Thomas Olbert - "Dark Emissary"
  • Angel Propps - "The Time Hangs Heavy"
  • Nick Scorza - "The Book of Love"
  • Clint Smith - "Double Back"
  • Chris Stevens - "Stained"
  • Martin Stokes - "The Scoop"
  • Thomas Sweterlitsch - "The Disposable Man"
  • Nicole Tanquary - "A Mother's Love"
  • Genevieve Taylor - "The Lighthouse"
  • Nick Wood - "Of Hearts and Monkeys"
So there you have it! Go out and read and enjoy!

I shall blog more in the near future to tell you of how re-writing Machinations went on, a few book reviews and of my new project.
